2025 Annual Scientific Meeting
BSNR Black-Tie Gala Dinner: MONDAY - Manchester Museum (With T Rex)
Registered attendees - £75 per ticket
Guests of registered attendees - £85 per ticket
Gala Dinner, includes drink's reception + 3-course dinner and drinks

Registration rates after the 31st August:
2-day rate:
BSNR Consultant level member - £675
BSNR Consultant non-member - £860
Retired Consultant - £390
Student (UG/PG), or basic scientist or Radiographers - £250​
​1-day rate
BSNR Consultant level member - £400
BSNR Consultant non-member - £550
Student (UG/PG), or basic scientist or Radiographers - £150​
Trainees: 1-day - £125, 2-day - £390, 3-day - £455
Should you wish to make payment via bank transfer or want to book on behalf of a group please contact louise@healthology.eu.
No refunds after 7 September 2025.
Book bedroom accommodation using the UoM Corporate Rate to obtain the University guaranteed rate*.
​* Bookings are advance purchase only and subject to availability. You won't be able to change your booking once it's confirmed.
Note: BSNR has no control over the booking of rooms, the Hyatt booking system nor the room rates. Prices (as of 18/02/25) start at £126 per night.
You are not required to book through the Hyatt system, other booking sites may offer better rates.